Welcome to the world of Cymatics. Many well knowledged individuals have often stated "The World is Sound", such as the author Joachim-Ernst Berendt who's book is titled as such. Many mystics and ancient teachings have pointed us in the direction of frequency and harmonics, here we explore that notion and provide media that complements it, enjoy.
Cymatics by Nigel Stanfrod
Cymatic Tartaria (English)
Cymatics using Natural Harmonics
The secrets of frequency and vibrations, the cymatics of our hidden past.
What our ancestors knew was that sound is able to manifest light and the physical form which includes you. Even in the scriptures it says in the beginning there was a word.
Word = Sound, Sound = Frequency. Your body is composed 70% of primarily water. How do you think different sounds, frequencies and music may affect your health, good & bad?